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Sex Blogs

Yummy Sexual Goodness Web Logs

The Art of Love - A Journey through Tasteful Erotica - A blog from the people who turn out Lovechess. "LoveChess takes you to a place where the gods make love on the chess-board. Play chess with sexy queens and amorous knights on your PC."

Sensual Liberation Army - Pictures o' naked women, activism, and more--it's a revolution, I tell you.

Sex and Culture from - Commentary on the stuff that drives you insane, like the hypocritical crap that censors depictions of sex but glorifies the act of cutting people up with chain saws.

Red Sneaker Diaries - Stories, surprising vignettes full of sex and erotic impulse.

Sexerotic Blog - Sex news, sex stories and pictures.

Eros Blog - A few sexy pics, wit and wisdom, and a good sense of humor make this a very interesting sex blog.

Eroticalee2, erotic porn pics and photo manipulations. I don't usually find these sorts of things erotic. LILI-G's are the exception.

Fleshbot - Sex news blog of the digital sex age. Well, not that digital. This digital.

Got a great sex blog? Use the contact page to tell Guido about it.